Best Inversion Tables

Best Inversion Table: IRONMAN Gravity 4000 vs. Health Mark Pro Max


Inversion tables are important for a number of reasons. Among them, two reasons stand out the most: it facilitates complete and rigorous workout and doesn’t seem to demean individuals with tired bodies.

best inversion tables

How Do Inversion Tables Function?

Honestly, there isn’t one way of using these inversion tables. Individuals who use these tables prefer hanging bodies upside down or from any direction to ward off the pain. Therefore, other ways of positioning depending on the preferences set by users. However, there is something obvious. To get rid of pain instantly, experts recommend users to open up space on tables. That not only gives relief to pressure build in the body (due to whatsoever reason) but also aids in combating complicated pain issues. In those cases, it is better to take permission from the doctor before getting hooked to inversion tables.

Consider reading this post if you want to know more about how inversion tables work and how they help you.

For now, let’s start off with the best inversion table that does justice to the buyer’s choice.

Things to Consider Before Buying One

  1. First thing first, the need of consulting a doctor is not important, but very important. Obviously, you would like to know if it is safe to go with rigorous inversion workouts or not. If not, then it is better to stick to recommendations. Making own decisions in such matter are never welcomed by your bodily needs.
  2. Another fact that you must consider is pricing. The myth that expensive products or inversion tables are always excellent with the best performance or inexpensive ones are always bad is totally bogus. So, having said that, it is clear that price means a lot. Instead of looking for something that is cheap or expensive, go for a machine that serves the purpose – comfortability, adjustability, and easiness on operational terms are some ways to find a suitable table.
  3. Always ensure about trying them out in places like gym, chiropractor, or medical centers. Find the one you want to buy, try it out, then make a purchase. This will allow you to understand its use and comfort you may have.
  4. Check if you feel the same, bit dizzy, or nauseous while using inversion therapy tables. If you feel too awkward then mind that it is not meant for purchase. However, safety and security come first and must be given preference.
  5. Space is another factor that shouldn’t go missing. Technically, space must be enough to fold and unfold the table without destroying items kept nearby.
  6. Last but not least; do research on the net and ask people who used particular inversion tables. This way you’ll learn about peculiarities, advantages, features, and much more. This article is one of the sources of learning about the top ten inversion tables.


Best Inversion Tables On The Market

Here is a list of the best inversion tables. They are listed on the basis of pros and cons, features attached to them, their significance for the user, users’ feedback, and most importantly rating. None of them is labeled as a hoax or a fooling machine. Nevertheless, there are agents who do scam. For that, users are supposed to purchase tables from reputable and trustworthy places or people.

Health Gear ITM5500 Advanced Technology Inversion Table Review

health gear itm5500 inversion table

Health Gear Advanced is one of those best inversion tables for neck pain, ones which assist in therapies to eradicate pain, which is known for its design and structure. Its performance is the epitome of its success around the world. Safety measures taken to make it stand out among the rest helps in diminishing back pain. It means that if you use it for two to three minutes, it gives enough benefits. Foam rollers are other components that are meant particularly for easiness and comfortability. Padding is thick enough to guarantee relief from the calf. Since it is meant for luxurious comfort, it also has a deluxe massage heating pad. That elevates the entire therapy session.

Last but not least; it is considered best for all those individuals who weigh below three hundred pounds.


  • Warmth comes from heating and massaging pad
  • Easy to fold, store, and use
  • The frame structure is made up of metal
  • The backrest is comfortable enough for longer use
  • Materials used in its manufacturing are robust and long-lasting


  • The heating pad could be unbearable and scratchy

IRONMAN Gravity Highest Weight Capacity Inversion Table Review

ironman gravity inversion table

Ironman Gravity is an inversion table that does justice with its users by providing easiness in folding and adjustability. Also, it requires lesser space as compared to the ones mentioned above. This table is about three hundred and fifty pounds. Locking system enables it to become more safe and secure.

There is zero to the very minimal percent of falling from these tables. The main reason for it is based on the fact that it holds the ankle tightly.Another factor that keeps it on an active demand is linked to an elongated handle. That actually helps people to get back to the sitting position once they are done with exercising.


  • Back pain is lessened by the help of decompressed spine
  • Best inversion table for sciatica
  • Safety handles (lone-handle to make you come to the upright position
  • Stiffness in muscles is decreased to a considerate amount
  • Blood flow increases and gets you going (makes you fresh)
  • Fatigue and stress, both are improved and then diminished


  • Angles are a little too tacky to manage or set
  • Lacks DVD for instruction

Teeter EP-970 Ltd. Inversion Table Review

teeter ep 970 inversion table

Teeter EP-970 like one of the stated inversion tables comes with few extra features. Those characteristics include a triple locking system, a more than required long handle, and the option of decompressing the table with the involvement of traction. Since it has a fine frame, there is an advantage of several stretching options. Comfortably, on the other hand, it helps in the smoother and straighter back with enhanced stretches. Moreover, bridges to support this table come separately. Relaxation and reclining are a lot easier than other bogus inversion tables. Merely because it is safer to lock oneself while doing the workout or therapy.


  • Scratch resistance structure
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Warranty of five years
  • It is completely customized
  • Optimum materials used
  • Easy to use and construct


  • Expensive (due to irreplaceable qualities)

Innova ITX9600 Heavy Duty Inversion Table Review

innova itx9600 heavy duty inversion table

Inversion is pretty easy through these tables. It is durable and supports weight under three hundred pounds. Design and structure, both are up to the mark because of material used in manufacturing Innova Inversion Tables. Anyone with pain cannot just relax but feel totally different after the use.

Since it has a comforting and foamy backrest, as well as robust leg straps, and elongated back resting space, it is considered as the best inversion table. Moreover, the use of this inversion table is a lot easier.

Other than that, tall and broad individuals find Innova Fitness ITX9600 quite helpful.


  • Stiffness in neck, shoulders blades, and back is reduced to a considerable amount
  • Adjustability and comfortability are maintained
  • Designing and structure lasts for long
  • The tension in back and spine is released from 180-degree decompression


  • There is no trace of locking pin

Health Mark Pro Max Inversion Therapy Table Review

health mark pro max inversion therapy table

The uniqueness of Health Mark Pro Max relies on eradicating pain from neck and shoulders. It is also an exercising machine or table where you can do rigorous workouts. Interestingly, it is the only inversion table that allows six hundred pounds and not three hundred.

In short, according to experts, it is perfect for professional use – gym, workplace studio, and fitness clubs. Furthermore, it is the best inversion table for lower back pain. It is also considered as the best inversion table for sciatica.

The structure is solid and doesn’t have any issues other than one main problem – assembling. Good ninety minutes are consumed in constructing Health Mark Pro Max.


  • Best in enhancing postures and decompressing the spine
  • Has the ability to work in both positions – upwards and downwards as in face down and up.
  • is the best inversion table and used commercially


  • Expensive, like really very expensive

Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are the most commonly asked questions that are inquired on a daily basis. Following them would help you in knowing the basics about inversion therapy tables.

How Many Times Inversion Therapy Tables Should Be Used?

First thing first, try it out twice in a day. It is to make the body accustomed to the entire thing happening. However, if the pain is excruciating, it is advised not to use it more than once, that too after taking a doctor’s permission. Position according to the exact settlement of the body. For example, if it is increased from 5 to 10 and then to 20, that would be considered just fine. On the other hand, putting the body at 90 degrees directly would be highly risky. Also, remember that using these tables as per need is another way of looking into the question. It clearly means that if you have more pain, then use it more and vice versa.

Are Inversion Tables Good For Herniated Discs?

Gravity in discs is neutralized and decompressed by the help of therapies. These therapies are termed as “inversion therapies”. Decompression is the main agenda that takes place with the help of inversion therapy tables. These tables are structured and designed in such a way that it is easy to bring traction and stretching of discs easily.

Do Inversion Therapy Tables Really Work?

Since gravity is the main play of these tables, patients with back pain or severe sciatica find inversion tables useful. The reason being, natural decompression takes place when one lays in a certain direction with a particular position. Actually, it is important to know that compression that takes place in the spine is more like traction. Something that deviates physical dynamics.

Does The Inversion Table Bring Any Harm To Health?

Since the beginning of this article, we had been advising to look doctor’s assistance if the pain is excruciating. It is because inversion therapy isn’t for everyone. So much so that, in some cases, pain may increase instead of decrease. There is another reason too – when one hangs himself upside down, it involves a certain level of risk. People who have hypertension, sugar, heart concerns, or glaucoma must be careful while using inversion therapy tables.

Do Inversion Therapy Tables Help With Neck Pain?

Neck pain is handled with care because it is all about tension around the neck. Stiffed muscles near the neck could be another reason for neck pain. Again, decompression helps in loosening muscles and tension that is gathered in these areas. Exercises carried out through inversion therapy paves the way to the relieved neck.

A Complete Guide on How to Buy Inversion Tables for Therapies

In this section of the article, we are going to discuss a list of pains that could decrease or eliminate the use of inversion therapy tables. Also, we will discuss aspects to keep in mind while buying an inversion table.

List of pain that could be relieved from inversion tables are:

  • Sciatica nerve pain
  • Herniated discs
  • A migraine or any other sort of a headache
  • Scoliosis pain
  • Back surgery

What are Some Basic Advantages of Inversion Therapies?

Inversion Table Benefits. Physically, it boosts respiration and lungs function in a better way. Also, the digestive system becomes stronger.

  • Digestive system: Renewing organs, increase immunity, and assist in the digestive system is possible through exercise and therapies on inversion tables. It is all because of the fact that every organ and part of the body affects another and a human body is a compilation of togetherness.
  • Lungs and respiration: Advantages of inversion therapies are related to mental and physical health though. Well, it enhances and boosts lung responsibilities. It pumps blood in the appropriate rate and amount. And also facilitates better breathing. Oxygen reaches to the core of the lungs right after the use of inversions. In short, once inversion therapy is done, everything related to lungs get augmented.

Mental health also strengthens with the use of inversion therapies. Some of them are listed below:

  • Secretion of good and happy hormones: Exercises of any type are the real custodian of secretion of happy hormones. However, with inversion routines it is extraordinary.
  • Stress and anxiety: One gets comforted from stress and anxiety after as well as during the inversion session. Want to know the reason why? Well, it is because of the fact that, during exercise or therapy, blood starts to flow in the head which paves the way to better understanding. Clarity of ideas becomes conceivable and leaves stress, etc. behind. In other words, creative juices increase with such exercises and everything starts to make sense.

Sleep is better because of a relaxed mind, body, and soul. That is the reason why moods don’t fluctuate either. Therefore, it is suitable for people with bipolar and mood disorders.


In short, pain is something that could be eliminated through various sources including the best inversion table for lower back pain mentioned in this article. Inversion table therapies or inversion therapy tables have done wonder in this case. As mentioned above in the article, these tables render services as of a human being by comforting back pain. All they do is decompress the spine and take care of overall health, let it be mental or physical. Inversion table reviews are based on totality and not perceived as one person’s feedback on the product.

Last Updated: 21st Jan, 2025


  • pain
Oğuz Tokatlı

Oğuz Tokatlı

Co-Founder, Editor, Content Creator, and Full Stack Web Developer of I am here to provide you the best content.


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